My Clear Voice's mission is to provide high quality independent advocacy in a range of complex situations, where the issues are complicated and it is hard for people receiving care and treatment and their carers to navigate through these issues without help.
My Clear Voice exists to help making the process of navigating a person's care and treatment much more straightforward, as it can often be difficult for people, particularly those who are experiencing vulnerability, to understand care and treatment decisions and also to have their views included and influence decisions about them.
There is a great and pressing need for good quality advocacy for people who are vulnerable. There are legal frameworks in place to protect people who are vulnerable. We use these to help secure timely and appropriate care and treatment, to help meet needs and achieve a personalised care and/or treatment plan for each person.
My Clear Voice's primary goal is for every person we work with to be effectively supported and empowered, for their voice to be heard in shaping decisions about them for better care and treatment in all vital health and care services. If you want to support this vital work, please give a gift today.
Support My Clear Voice
Help uphold rights and improve care for people who are vulnerable and who need effective independent advocacy.
My Clear Voice is creating a range of resources to make advocacy and self advocacy more accessible and effective.
Please support our work by making a gift today and help us achieve this.
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Thank you.